

Studies in Tanhuma-Yelammedenu Literature. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2021 (with Arnon Atzmon).

Rabbinic Literature. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2022 (with Tal Ilan, Lorena Miralles Maciá). (English)

Literatura rabínica. Navarra: Editorial verbo divino, 2021 (with Tal Ilan, Lorena Miralles Maciá). (Spanish)

Rabbinische Literatur. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2020 (with Tal Ilan, Lorena Miralles Maciá). (German)

Language, Cognition, and Biblical Exegesis: Interpreting Minds. Scientific Studies of Religion: Inquiry and Explanation. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019 (with István Czachesz, Frederick S. Tappenden, and Tamás Biró).

Rabbinic Traditions Between Palestine and Babylonia. Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff/Brill, 2014 (with Tal Ilan).


Chapter 12 Why Are Biblical Verses Not Quoted in Parables? A Cultural-Cognitive Explanation“, in Eric Ottenheijm, Marcel Poorthuis, and Annette Merz (eds.), The Power of Parables: Essays on the Comparative Study of Jewish and Christian Parables. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2024, 264–281.

“The Mystery of Abraham’s Circumcision: The Circumcised God according to Midrash Tanchuma and Related Texts”, in Teugels, Lieve and Neutel, Karin. Circumcision and Jewish Identity: Case Studies on Ancient Texts and Their Reception, Piscataway, NJ, USA: Gorgias Press, 2023, 227-264.

“Let Our Rabbi Teach Us: Introduction to Tanhuma-Yelammedenu Literature”, in Ronit Nikolsky and Arnon Atzmon (eds.), Studies in Tanhuma-Yelammedenu Literature. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2021.

“הדרך הכשיל כֹּחי מאד: מִכְתְבֵי אברהם יצחק הכהן מוטולנסקי” (“The road weakened my strength greatly”: The Letter of Abraham Yitzhaq Ha-Kohen Motolansky, (Unpublished)

“Rabbiininen kulttuuri havainnollistaa kulttuurievoluution näkökulmaa” (Rabbinic Culture Explained through the Perspective of Cultural Evolution; translated by Jutta Jokiranta), 28.9.2021. (Finnnish)

Emotional Discourse in Rabbinic Literature”, in W. David Nelson and Rivka Ulmer (eds.), Emerging Horizons. 21st Century Approaches to the Study of Midrash. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2021.

Joseph, Judah, and the Study of Emotions in Tanhuma-Yelammedenu Literature”, in Ronit Nikolsky and Arnon Atzmon (eds.), Studies in Tanhuma-Yelammedenu Literature. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2021.

Midrash Sarah and Abraham – A Lost Rabbinic Interpretation of ‘The Woman of Valor’ Song, in Ronit Nikolsky, Tal Ilan and Lorena Miralles Maciá (eds.), Rabbinic Literature, The Reception of Biblical Women and Gender in Rabbinic Literature. Atlanta: SBL Press, 2022, 323-358.

Introduction, in Ronit Nikolsky, Tal Ilan and Lorena Miralles Maciá (eds.), Rabbinic Literature, The Reception of Biblical Women and Gender in Rabbinic Literature. Atlanta: SBL Press, 2022, 1-44.

“Der Midrasch Sara und Abraham: eine verlorengegangene rabbinische Auslegung des „Lieds der fähigen Frau“”, in: Tal Ilan, Lorena Miralles Maciá and Ronit Nikolsky (hrsg), Rabbinische Literatur, Aus der Reihe Die Bible und die Frauen, Tuebingen: Kohlhammer, 2020. 78-3-17-038895-6

“Parables in the Service of Emotional Translation”, in Eric Ottenheijm and Marcel Poorthuis (eds), Parables in Changing Contexts. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, (2020), 37-56.

“The verb ‘to love’ (’-h-b) in the Bible: a Cognitive Evolutionary Approach”, in Ronit Nikolsky, István Czachesz, Tamás Biró, and Frederick S. Tappenden (eds.), Language, Cognition, and Biblical Exegesis: Interpreting Minds, 70-87. Scientific Studies of Religion: Inquiry and Explanation. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019. ISBN 9781350078123.

“Trajectories of the Tanhuma in the Zohar: Pericope ‘Balak'”, Aramaic Studies. 2019 (the volume was never published).

“Are Parables an Interpretation?”, in: Meron Piotrkowski, Geoffrey Herman and Saskia Dönitz (eds.), Sources and Interpretation in Ancient Judaism: A volume for Tal Ilan at sixty, Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity 104 (978-90-04-36641-1). Leiden: Brill Academic Publisher, 2018, 289-315 (Chapter 13). 

“De functie van parabels (mesjalim) in de Tanchuma”. NTT: Journal for Theology and the Study of Religion 71:2 (2017), 152-169. (Dutch)

“Rabbinic Discourse about Samson: Continuity and Change”. and Eynikel, Erik Nicklas, Tobias (ed.). Samson: Hero or Fool? The Many Faces of Samson. Themes in Biblical Narrative 17. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff/Brill, 2014, 101-118 (download).

מהתם להכא, from There to Here (bSanh 5a), Rabbinic Traditions between Palestine and Babylonia: An Introduction” (with Tal Ilan). Rabbinic Traditions between Palestine and Babylonia. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff/Brill, 2014, 1-31.

“From Palestine to Babylonia and Back: Parallel Narratives in the Babylonian Talmud and in Tanhuma”, in: Ronit Nikolsky and Tal, Ilan (eds), Rabbinic Traditions between Palestine and Babylonia. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff/Brill, 2014, 284-305. Available: 10.1163/187502104788638804

Ishmael Sacrificed Grasshoppers“, in Martin Goodman, George H. Kooten and Jacques T.A.G.M. Ruiten (eds), Abraham, the Nations, and the Hagarites Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Perspectives on Kinship With Abraham (Themes in Biblical Narrative 13, Leiden and Boston: Brill 2010), 243-262.

Interpret him as much as You Want : Balaam in the Babylonian Talmud”, in Geurt Hendrik (George) van Kooten and Jacques van Ruiten (eds), The Prestige of the Pagan Prophet Balaam in Judaism, Early Christianity and Islam (Themes in Biblical Narrative-Jewish and Christian Traditions 11, Martinus Nijhoff/Brill, 2008), 213-230.

Gog in Two Rabbinic Narratives“, in: van Bekkum, W. J., Drijvers, J. W. & Klugkist, A. C. (eds.), Syriac Polemics: Studies in Honour of Gerrit Reinink (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta; no. 170, Leuven-Paris-Dudley, MA: Peeters), 21-40.

“‘God Tempted Moses for Seven Days’: The Bush Revelation in Rabbinic Literature”, in George H. van Kooten (ed), The Revelation of the Name YHWH to Moses: Perspectives from Judaism, the Pagan Graeco-Roman World, and Early Christianity (Themes in Biblical Narrative 9, Leiden-Boston: Brill 2006), 89-104.

“The Rechabites In Ma’aseh Alexandros and In the Medieval Ben Sira”, Zutot: Perspectives on Jewish Culture 4:1, 35-41 (DOI:

The History of the Rechabites and the Jeremiah Literature“, Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 13.2, 185-207.